Wellness Center

Building a stronger community.

CHC’s Wellness Center offers group-based physical activity classes, nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, chronic disease prevention and management education, stress-reduction classes, shared medical appointments (SMA), worksite wellness programming, and other classes.

Wellness Center programming aims to support our patients’ capacity to follow primary care treatment plans and recommendations for increased physical activity, dietary improvements, and self-care practices.

Due to COVID-19, all in-person classes have been canceled. To help you and your family stay healthy, our Wellness Center will be offering online virtual classes. Click here to view our class schedule. For more information on the services we have to offer please email us at wellnesscenter@caringhealth.org or call (413) 739-1100 today.

Wellness Center discover the life you want

Discover the life you want.


Are you looking to develop healthier eating habits and lifestyle changes? Caring Health Center has a Nutritionist who gives patients individual support by providing lifestyle action plans, hypertension and diabetes self-management, as well as weight loss management. To schedule an appointment, please call 413-739-1100 ext. 2175.

CHC’s Wellness Center was established in 2009 in response to NIH-funded research findings of high rates of food insecurity and social/environmental barriers to chronic disease management among CHC patients. Based on the data and through additional focus groups with patients, five guiding principles emerged for the development of the Wellness Center. Based on these five principles, all Wellness Center programming is:

  • Cost-free and culturally-tailored;
  • Group-based;
  • Led by a trained/certified leader and offers capacity building opportunities to develop community wellness leaders;
  • Provides community and social network/support; and
  • Located within the primary care health center and acts as an extension of primary care.

All staff and patients of the health center are encouraged to engage in Wellness Center offerings. For more information, please call: 413-739-1100.

In a life threatening medical emergency, patients should call 911.